Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Colleague Acknowledge

Throughout my first class as a graduate student, I have interacted with many of my colleagues. They have inspired me in a variety of ways. I am appreciative that they shared their professional early childhood journey and how their personal life has affected their journey through blogs. I hope I have inspired them as much as they have.

I want to acknowledge one of my colleagues, Niketa Grant, for her blog:
She inspired me because she had the courage to share her journey as a teen mom to an early childhood professional. She has a fighter spirit that showed because she did not let her circumstances stop her from reaching her goals. I was in a similar situation at 19 and it was one of the difficult experiences of my life. I commend her. Her blog is insightful and my knowledge of early childhood was expanded because she shared her experiences. I thank her for sharing her knowledge and I am sure that her gumption will take her far.

I want to acknowledge another colleague, Regina Dewberry, for her blog:
Regina's blog is easy to navigate and has an appealing layout. It has a wealth of information. She has first hand experience in the early childhood field through her career as a childcare provider. She is already an advocate and early childhood leader in her community. She works hard for the children and the families that she services. I know that Regina will continue to excel in the field of early childhood. I know that I will see her name soon as an early childhood professional that we should know.


  1. Love your that you've acknowledged colleagues who have made an impact in your life. We as early childhood educators give so much it's great to be acknowledged every now and again.
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. It is amazing how through this online coursework we can still find ways to connect to someone who we've never met! I think this happens when we are wiling to share parts of ourselves which allows others to connect with us which is evident in your thanks to Niketa.

  3. I have enjoyed your blog, though have had difficulty responding to my colleagues due to some personal challenges. I do appreciate your comment about the importance of acknowledging grandparents. They are often a significant part of a child's life, but I think often forgotten. I appreciate your saying you try to help them as much as possible.
