Sunday, March 9, 2014

Handling Tough Situations in ECE

I love the children in my classroom. Many of them have been in my classroom for almost two years. Many of the situations that they go through affect me. I am excited to embark on a new journey of graduate school in order to receive new insight on how to better help them.
My challenge for this week includes how to handle when students (4 years old) use vulgar language. In most early childhood classes, cursing may not be an issue. Some of my children are quickly becoming a product of their environment by imitating what they see and repeating what they hear.
I have a student who has been struggling emotionally-he is usually very upbeat and quick witted, but lately he has been easily upset and clingy by wanting to hug me/lean on me during center time and other random times of the day. On Friday, he used the "b-word" while in the house area during center time. Another one of my students, who is also experiencing some home issues, became noticeably upset. She ran to me crying hysterically and grabbing my leg. My heart dropped because my classroom is  supposed to be a safe haven and she felt violated. I just hugged her until she stopped crying and shaking.
My question is...How do you handle the other student. He is going through a tough situation at home too. I spoke with mom prior to the "b-word" and set up a meeting with the social worker for mom. She never showed up. Well, what would you do?

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