Saturday, March 29, 2014

Passion, Motivation, and Wisdom

“It was like the most joyful experience, where I felt that everything in me was being called on to teach. And also, it was very rewarding. It just made me feel whole. It made me feel whole. It made me feel creative. And so it became my lifelong work with early childhood education. And the passion to make sure that all children were taught in environments and in ways that truly nurtured their ability to grow and to develop to their fullest ability.”
-Louise Derman-Sparks, Professor Emeritus (Excerpt from video, The Passion for Early Childhood)


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2012). The passion for early childhood  [Video webcast].   Retrieved from   webapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_474  872_1%26url%3D


  1. I love Ms. Ray observation. We as educator must provide that children and family with tools where the their present status does impact their future status.

  2. I think Ms. Sparks made a very valid point that children should be taught in environments and in ways that truly nurture their ability to grow and to develop to their fullest ability. They will remain interested in learning if the environment is comfortable for them.
