Saturday, March 29, 2014

Quotes from Aisha Ray, Ph.D.

Aisha Ray, Ph.D. is a major contributor to the field of early childhood, specifically in the sector of research and academia. The following are quotes from Ray that inspire me to become a more well rounded early childhood professional:

"African American students face a constellation of challenges that children should not have to face," Aisha Ray, Erikson Institute's senior vice president for academic affairs, was quoted in the Winter 2012-2013 issue of Erikson on Children.

In her research for a project under Erikson, Envisioning Change, she was also quoted as saying,
"State policy simply isn't sufficiently focused on helping school districts address the challenges and inequalities African American students face during the critical early childhood years leading up to third grade."


Erikson Institute. (n.d.). Aisha Ray. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Ray's observation of the plight of the AFAM student is a recurring issue. As I work with urban youth daily, I have began to believe the war on urban education is truly a war on poverty.
