Saturday, March 15, 2014

Maria Montessori Quote

Maria Montessori (1949)stated in The Absorbent Mind, "Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment."

I can relate to this quote because children learn best when they are engaged in activities. When children are involved in hands-on experiences and learning, they are naturally inclined better understand. This is also true in home situations. Children learn how to handle situations from how their adults in their life handle situations. Children mirror the reactions of their trusted adults. If a parent uses vulgar language when they are upset, the child is going to use vulgar language when they are upset. If a child sees violence in their home, they will exhibit violent behaviors. As teachers, we have to figure out how to counteract the negative behaviors children witness on a daily basis. Do not respond to negative behaviors with more negativity. Counteract negative behaviors with love. When my children use negative words or actions, I explain why they shouldn't do such behaviors but I also hug them and tell them "I Love You". More importantly, I model positive behaviors and I constantly show them that I love them. Let's show our children how to exhibit positive behaviors instead of just telling them.

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