Saturday, March 29, 2014

Quotes from Art Rolnick

Art Rolnick has contributed to the field of early childhood education by becoming an economic advocate in the ECE sector of Public Early Childhood Education. The following excerpt is from his article written with Rob Grunewald, Early Childhood Development Development: Economic Development with a High Public Return.

"The quality of life for a child and the contributions the child makes to society as an adult can be traced back to the first few years of life. From birth until about 5 years old a child undergoes tremendous growth and change. If this period of life includes support for growth in cognition, language, motor skills, adaptive skills and social-emotional functioning, the child is more likely to succeed in school and later contribute to society. However, without support during these early years, a child is more likely to drop out of school, receive welfare benefits and commit crime."


Rolnick, A., & Grunewald, R. (2003, March 1). Early childhood development:   economic development with a high public return. Fedgazette. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brianna, I like your third choice. "Responsive Family Centered Practices. Ideal 1 says We shall demonstrate our respect and appreciation for all families' beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture" and yes it is true in order to get respect you to must give respect.
    thank you for sharing,
