Saturday, March 15, 2014

Progression through my Early Childhood!

This was me as a young child around 6 years old. I had no idea I would affect the world. I knew that I could do anything  and the sky was the limit. My parents always supported me. I also always had teachers that pushed me and  cheered for my success.

When I was in school, my teachers constantly made me evaluate my life's goals. I found my career ambitions from third grade. I wrote "I want to be a 3rd grade teacher like my 3rd grade teacher Mrs. R. Knox, so I can teach the many things she taught me." Goals are very important. Who knew that I would choose my career path at 9 years old and stick with it.  As adults, we should encourage our children to be whatever they want to be in their life. Don't disregard their thoughts because their childhood goals could become their futures if they are encouraged to follow their dreams.

This is my school picture from this school year as a teacher.  I do not teach third grade, but I am an educator. I don't remember exactly what my third grade teacher taught me, but I do remember being pushed to do my best. Would I be the teacher I am today if I didn't have parent and teachers to love me and encourage? Well, think about our children today. Do they have someone to love and encourage them? Are you going to be the teacher that they remember as the teacher who knew they would succeed? If you show a child that you believe in them, he/she will learn to believe in himself. They will be able to go above and beyond their wildest dreams. I still have people who believe in me and I am not done reaching my goals.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pic. Yes we as adults and educators can make a huge impact on a child's life and how they may interpret the future. I also have two teachers that gave that nurturing care and inspiration to be someone in life. Some children may not have that type of influence at home that they have at school and it can make a difference. The teachers that inspired me when I was in 5th grade just taught my son in third grade. She took the time to recognize his weaknesses and we worked as a team to get him where he needed to be. I had brought my children back to the community where I was raised because I knew it would be better. And now they are doing great in school. Keep reaching for your goals the sky is the limit.
