Sunday, March 23, 2014

Personal Childhood Web

I have had many people that have influenced my life throughout my childhood. These people are continuing to influence my life because of the strong presence they had during my lifetime. The lessons are priceless and continue to impact my life's decisions. I honestly feel that it takes a community to raise a child. My community is still involved, even though I am an adult.

My Sisters
I have two sisters: one older and one younger. I am extremely close to both of them.
As a young child, I looked up to my older sister. I wanted her confidence, her go getter spirit, her creative talent, and her sense of style. I watched my sister make her own path, despite what people thought she should do. Although it was never easy, she succeeded in creating her own path. Although she was busy creating her own path, she always made time for me. I could always talk to her about anything and knew she already experienced it-and could give me sound advice (even if I didn't want to hear the truth). Whenever I felt I wanted to run away from my parents, I had a safe haven with her. I have the best big sister, who continues to be a safe haven for me as an adult. I can still talk to her about anything and she has an amazing ability to get me calm in my many moments of hysteria. Unknowingly, she pushes me to discover my own path for success. 
My younger sister is a quietly, sarcastic bundle of happiness. As a child, she taught me how to share the spot light and to cheer for someone besides myself. I did better in school and in life because I wanted her to have someone to look to as a role model. Even when I've made mistakes, I made sure to remind her that she can learn from the mistakes and struggles that I have had to endure. Even today, as she is in the midst of completing her third year of college, I am proud of her and will do anything for her-as I cheer her on. 

My Heroes: The Men in My Life
My daddy: How does he make all three of his daughters feel like a daddy's girl? My daddy has been there for me throughout my entire life-for whatever I needed. As a young child, my daddy worked nights. When he got off work, he took my sisters and I to school every morning. He went on all field trips, field days, and any programs we had at school. He was the driver on all of our family vacations. He hugged and kissed me every morning and every night. There was never a time when my daddy was not there for me, even as he worked full time and obtained four degrees. Today if I call my daddy for anything, he will make it happen. My daddy supports me and understands me. From my dad, I learned to be consistent and that people will go above and beyond for people they love.
I had two grandfathers who both passed in 2012. Both of my grandfathers worked hard every single day to make sure their families did not want for anything. Once their children were grown, they made their grandchildren a priority. One of my grandfathers took over the job of taking my sisters and I to school every day. They both gave their opinions in a strong, yet unique way. From them, I learned to not settle for less. 

We're Every Woman
My mother: She has always been a tough cookie. She wore many hats as a mother and a teacher. Even though she had three daughters, she still obtained three degrees including a doctorate in education. She had a plan for all three of her daughters-she pushed us to strive for perfection. She wanted the best for us and she made sure we had it. She taught me that I can do any and everything through hard work, regardless of the obstacles that will arise. Even today, I strive for perfection in everything that I do. I will not settle for less than the best for myself or for my son. 
My grandmothers: The strongest women that I know. They both took care of their families-while they had careers (a teacher and a nurse), even during a time when most African American women did not have educations. They loved their granddaughters and gave us the world. They both cooked my favorite meals and read my favorite books. From them, I understand the importance of love, family, and prayer. I come from a long line of strong, educated women-who would not want me to settle for anything less than I deserve.


  1. Video clips can not be viewed through mobile devices.

  2. " It takes a community to raise a child and my community is still involved as an adult." That is a great and insightful statement, one does not leave the "village" rather it give back to the village and continues to reap the value of the village.

  3. I loved your post! You made your words come alive with your clips :-) Having a strong family to stand by you makes you feel like you can take on the world!
