Saturday, March 15, 2014

Oh, the Places You'll Go! By Dr. Seuss

I love the children's book "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss. It is a realistic view of the obstacles that may be presented to us throughout our life. The opportunities start now. It is up to each individual person to choose the path that works for them. The path you choose may not always be the easiest decision or the most popular. The path you choose will be full of challenges that may not end up the way you imagine. Even though hard times will arise, don't give up because you will reach your goals.
I love this book because it is a children's book that has a lesson for all ages. Children need to know that they can choose any path. Their path will not always be laid out for them. A good teacher will give children the tools they need to succeed. Life is not always easy, but children have to remember to be persistent to reach their goals even when life is hard. The children in my classroom need to hear this story so they can learn to work toward their goals regardless of what happens. As adults, we have to remember the same thing. Decide what you aspire to do with your life and continue to work towards it. Dr. Seuss (1990) ends , "KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!" (p. 42). Be persistent and the goals you will accomplish will surprise you.

Seuss. (1990). Oh, the Places You'll Go!. New York, NY: Random House

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